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Bowl of raw fresh dog food

Raw/Fresh Feeding

As more people become aware of ultra processed foods and turn to raw/fresh feeding it has led over the last 10 years to many more options. There are plenty of pre made raw minces to choose from as well as DIY versions, puppy and senior options. It is necessary to have a little knowledge before starting your raw journey to ensure you are feeding your dog correctly. Meats provided should ideally be organic and from grass fed animals so they are not containing antibiotics and are not being fed genetically modified feed. Raw meats also require a period of freezing before feeding to provide them in as safe a state as possible.

Benefits of feeding raw/fresh food:

  • Stronger immune system

  • Better dental health

  • Healthier skin and coat

  • Healther digestive system

  • Reduced chronic problems - ear / skin/ allergies

  • Reduced vet bills due to the above reasons

Commonly Used Raw Feeding Ingredients

Muscle Meat

The protein source providing the building blocks for growth, maintenance and repair of the body. There are many protein sources available - Beef, lamb, chicken, venison, turkey, fish, rabbit, green tripe, duck, goose including more exotic meats like horse, zebra and hare.

Heart, gizzard, lungs, cheek and tongue are all classed as muscle meats.

Raw Meaty Bones

Bones that are size appropriate for the dog that provide not only dental benefits and mental stimulation but the Calcium, Phosphorus and other minerals necessary in the diet. 


Oily fish are needed to provide Omega 3 and balance omega 6. Due to the state of the seas and toxins like mercury in fish, only small oily fish should be used like sardines, smelt, sprats. Some salmon should be used for vitamin D.

Liver & Other 

The adult diet should consist of 5% liver and 5% other secreting organ (kidney/testicles/pancreas/brain/spleen). Organ meats provide high levels of vitamins in the diet.

Vegetables & Fruits

These should be 5% of the diet. Providing antioxidants, vitamins, anti inflammatory properties, fibre, polyphenols, and more.

Don't feed onions or leeks.

Nuts & Seeds

These can be used to provide vitamins and minerals. Don't feed macadamia nuts or peanuts.

Fur & Fibre

Rabbit ears, rabbits feet, hairy cow ears, fur and feathers all provide fibre to help the digestive tract, provide a cleansing affect in the intestine and provide manganese.


Kefir, plain yoghurt, raw goats milk and soil based products all provide good bacteria to help with digestion.

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