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home cooked dog food

Cooked Fresh Feeding

Cooked fresh food is the next best option to raw feeding and provides the same many health benefits. There are some nutrient losses from the cooking process but these are minimal and still avoid the ultra processed problems. Recipes can be created by us and tailored to your dogs requirements. A varied diet is required to ensure all nutrients are met and some supplements will need to be added. A lot of recipes suggested online can be deficient in many nutrients and if fed on a regular basis may lead to illness. By having our help and using NRC standards we can show you where you may be falling short if following these recipes or creating your own diet.

Feeding home cooked food allows you to know exactly and control what goes into your dogs diet. Food can be made in batches and frozen for use later so you're not spending hours in the kitchen.

There are also commercial home cooked style foods out there now with minimal processing and ingredients.

dog eating fresh raw food
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